In the bustling lead-up to Christmas 2023, our objective was to was twofold: to amplify the inherent bond between the brand and children from diverse backgrounds while showcasing gifting options to suit every budget.

From a meticulous selection process involving over 100 creators, we handpicked 14 influencers to spearhead the campaign. Central to the strategy was ensuring broad coverage and representation across the UK, with creators comprising mothers of preschool children, boasting 10-20K followers.

Crucially, their audience consisted primarily of female parents with preschoolers, aligning seamlessly with the target demographic.

The results spoke volumes. Despite industry standards suggesting a good engagement rate falls between 1% to 5%, the campaign shattered expectations, delivering an impressive engagement rate of over 11% - double the upper end of the anticipated industry benchmark. This exceptional level of engagement underscored the resonance of the Bing brand and its products with our collaborators audience.

Audience response to the campaign was nothing short of phenomenal. Followers were not only captivated by the generosity of Bing but also effusive in their praise for the brand and the show itself. The content and gifted boxes sparked widespread excitement and garnered a plethora of positive comments, reinforcing the deep connection between Bing and its audience.

Through strategic influencer partnerships and compelling content, we succeeded not only in driving engagement but also in strengthening the bond between Bing and families across the UK. As a result, Bing products emerged as a top choice for parents and gift-givers during the festive season, affirming the brand's position as a beloved companion in the world of preschool entertainment.

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